Friday, June 20, 2008

Let's take the day off

So I had a dentist appointment on Tuesday at 8:00am. The original plan was to just take half a day off and go into work at noon, but a couple of weeks ago I got an email from my cousin Marc asking if I wanted to get a round of golf in. Well let's just turn that half a day into a whole day and have a little fun. And he had a coupon.. Score!! The dentist was pretty uneventful and just the clean and scrape that I go through twice a year. I still get yelled at for not flossing enough. I just love how the dental assistant does all the scraping and cleaning for half an hour and the "dentist" breezes in looks around and leaves. I know the life stories of my dental assistants a whole lot better than I actually know my dentist. So after my appointment I run over to pick up Marc. On the way to his house I stop by the CVS to pick up a brace for my forarm since the last time I played golf it started burning like I was getting tendinitis. Yeah I am getting old. I also pick up a bag of candy for the course too to give me something to snack on and start working on something for the next dentist appointment. I get to Marc's house and we load up his clubs when he tells me that he called the course and they were booked with an outing. Crap. Thank God he called before heading to the other side of town, but crap for not being able to use the coupon. Where to go next. We talked about going to Shoaff park, but that course is pretty short and if I am blowing a whole day off I want to play somewhere with some distance. We played Riverbend a couple times last year so I felt like someplace new. We decided to run over to Cherry Hill. Yeah a little pricey but they run weekday specials and you got to love the GPS in the carts. We pull up and it's not too crowded but we notice alot of carts out with people unloading signs. Another outing. Crap. We talk to them hoping to sneak out ahead of the outing, but to no luck. They look up their sister course, Autumn Ridge, on the computer and they can't get us out until after 1:00. I am thinking of all the other course in the area, and we decide to try Cedar Creek in Leo since it's not really that far. We drive up there and pull into a filled parking lot. Another freaking outing!!! As we are talking to the pro I remember that Deer Track isn't too far away from Cedar Creek and a pretty fun course. The pro graciously calls over there to see if they can get us on, and they have an outing too, BUT, it's not until the afternoon and if we get there right away we can play. So Marc and I bust butt and get over there in minutes. It was a very windy day on the course and a bit cool with temps hovering around 71 that gave us both a bit of a chill on the course. We had kids and seniors playing in front of us slowing us down, but we didn't really care since we were there to enjoy ourselves. Overall I played pretty good for being the first time on the course this year. I had some great shots and some flubs. I was playing my typical bogey golf with a few pars thrown in there. The last three holes Marc and I played against each other for the golden golf ball trophy. Actually it's just a golf ball painted gold that someone found on the course a few years ago. We used to get together with some other guys and whoever won the round would get the ball. I have had this ball in the ash try of the Jeep (now van) for a couple of years rattling around. I don't know if it was the pressure of the contest or the fact that I was getting tired, but I played the last three holes like crap with double, triple, double bogey. Unfortunatly Marc played even worse than that so I am still the keeper of the golden ball. We commented about how we didn't loose too many balls too soon and dropped quite a few in the last couple of holes. After the round we went back to his house for a beer and to look at the challenge ahead for his move to his new house next month. The good part is that my arm never really hurt so I didn't have to wear that brace. I am still going to keep it in the bag just in case it flares up if I play again. I can only think of a couple more opportunities that I might have to play golf this year. One being the outing for work next month and the other is the Night Golf in August that I want EVERYONE WHO READS THIS TO PLAY IN!!!!!!!

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