Monday, June 30, 2008

Movie Review

So Sunday we get up slowly since the kids were at Grandma's house. I found out the the Q Collective is coming to the house on Monday and not on Thursday like I initially thought. So we decided to get the house cleaned (at least picked up) for their visit. We decided this early, but weren't able to actually get our butts out of the chairs until 10:30 or so. It's so nice to clean house without the boys "help". Around 1:00 Jen got ready to go to work. Christopher and I ran over to Walmart to buy an air mattress. We need one for the Q's visit, but we can think of a couple other times where it might come in real handy. We get there and I just totally luck out and find where they are hiding these things since it is in the absolute back corner of the store. I kind of remember air mattresses being pretty expensive when we priced them before, but find a pretty nice one for only $17 which blew me away. Next I looked at a pump. I could have gotten a mattress that included the pump, but it was battery operated and I really didn't want to try and keep 4 D cell batteries around for the couple of time a year I would need it. I looked for a plug in pump and it was $18! I finally decided to go for the old fashioned hand pump, but we will see how it works. After that Christopher and I picked up the boys at grandma's house. Overall they did real well for grandma. They had fun playing in the new inflatable pool that she had bought and ate just about everything in sight. We went home and I put Christopher and Andrew down for naps, which they both needed. After naps, grandma Sue showed up to watch Christopher and William and Andrew and I took off for the theater. They were real excited to see Wall-E. I showed up and bought tickets as we waited for Jen to get off of work. Actually we were seeing the movie with other Disney Store employees (case members) so I had a chance to chat with them while we were waiting. The boys were eager to get inside. I was getting worried that we wouldn't have a chance to get a good seat if they were sold out. We have done this before for opening weekend with her co-workers and had to deal with very crowded shows, but one of her coworkers came out and told us that the theater wasn't crowded at all. Whew. I hate a crowded theater and its even worse since I will need to get something on the isle for the potty breaks. So Jen shows up and we go into the show. I try to get a picture of the boys with the cardboard cutout in the lobby, but I think they were a little scared of it. As we were walking to our seats the theater goes dark for the previews. Whew, that was just in time. This was Andrews first trip to a movie theater so I wasn't sure how he would like it, but he seemed to like it alot. He spent the entire movie in my lap just staring at the screne. I wasn't sure if he liked the movie or was just so tired for the lack of sleep. William must have liked it too since he didn't take any potty breaks at all during the movie. Overall it is a pretty entertaining movie. I was trying to avoid any reviews about the movie, but I had heard that it actually had a " eco message" to it, crap. I don't mind movies with eco messages in them, I just don't want to see them in a cartoon. I loved the movie "happy feet" a lot, right until they got to the eco message in the movie. That was quite a bit of an "in your face" message how humans were bad. I was hoping this didn't turn that way too, and lucky for me it didn't. The movie went very fast and both boys enjoyed it alot. I took the boys home and quickly into bed. We decided to put both boys in the same room to get them ready for bunking together for the Q's visit and they did pretty good about not messing around too much. Of course the stupid garbage truck comes around at 5:30am and wakes both of them up, so they had an early start today. They will need to pace themselves for the Q's visit...

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