Monday, June 16, 2008

Pizza Time

So I am sitting at home on Thursday night with the boys debating what to make for dinner. Jen didn't get a chance to get to the store earlier in the week so the pickings were a little slim. I figured that I would just load up the boys and run over a grab a pizza, but then I remembered that I had the Saturn and Jen had the van. Crap. If I would have been thinking I could have picked one up on the way home. So I am lamenting on what to make. I know the boys would be happy with chicken nugets or hot dogs, but I am not in the mood for the old stand-by's. I decide to splurge and have a pizza delivered. Now we haven't done that in quite some time since most places charge a delivery fee and that doesn't include the driver tip, so we usually just end up picking it up. I am not in a mac and cheese mood tonight so I order it up. It's good pizza and breadsticks. If I would have been thinking I could have gotten my order for $11 ($5.99 pick up special + bread sticks), but it ends up costing me $22. Oh well, it's better than mac and cheese again. Next time I plan ahead and pick it up on the way home.

1 comment:

Marcus said...

Yeah! Driveby pizza delivery!