Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Happy Birthday Andrew

Friday was Andrews official 3rd birthday. Wow, 3 years old already. We had him just before moving into this house but it just doesn't seem like we have been here that long. Andrew is such a different personality than William. We got used to William being a relatively quiet kid who didn't get into much of anything.... then along came Andrew, just the opposite. Reminded me alot of the personality differences between my brother and I growing up. All I can say is that I wore the white hat while Dan wore the Black hat. I don't know how my parents didn't ship him off to military school when he was 14. Chistopher is probably going to be a 3rd different personality in the house as well, but he tends to be pretty quiet and well behaved for right now. I look at my boys and it reminds me alot of my 3 cousins in North Carolina with the different personalities.

Anyway back to Andrew, we decided to have his party on Saturday. Jen had to work all weekend, but we could have the party and be done before she had to work. And like I have said before I have found out with kids birthday parties that people show up, eat and leave. They don't tend to hang out for hours like other parties. We kept the party simple (and economical) by cranking up the hot dog steamer and some quick snacks. Jen brought out a couple of cake pans earlier in the week and let Amdrew choose the character on the cake. He Chose Bob the buider again. We just invited mostly family for the party. I would have loved to invite the whole cast of characters and catch up with everyone, but we just weren't able to do that. Hopefully soon. We took things a little out of the usual sequence and openend present first, since the boys were staring at the pile of presents on the table. The hot dog steamer did its usual good job and I still had a couple of containers of coney sauce in the freezer. yum. After cake and ice cream it was quick clean up and Jen headed off to work. (someone has to) The toy carnage is spread out all over the floor of the fornt room and even Christopher is getting his mouth around most of them.

oh wait, Andrew wants to type a little something for this entry:

rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaaaa7777bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb5oooooooooo qqqqqqqqqqmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzddddddddttttttttttthhhhll

oh man I might have started something there. Usally the computer is a hands off thing. At least the laptop is, the tower upstairs I have desinated at the kids computer. Oh well, it's probably good to start him early.

Happy birthday Andrew!!!

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