Thursday, October 30, 2008


You can't see me right now, but I am doing my "I just got a job" dance. Trust me it's not a pretty site :)
I am now the marketing director of dekalb financial credit union. They have branches in Auburn, Garrett, Angola, and New Haven. I have a mixture of feelings right now. First is the "new job" feeling with meeting everyone and trying to get settled and second is the feeling of relief of being employed.
Of course it's funny that I get a job offer and then have to go pee in a cup for the drug screen. That's a new one for me.
I just wanted to pass along thanks to everyone who has sent good thoughts as well as their prayers for me and the family.
You are next mdh!!!


MR said...

Congratulations! If it looks like the job is going to work out after a couple of months, I'll throw you a party on December 20th.

Marcus said...

Thank you! That is great, stand corrected -- GREAT news! Good luck and I hope you don't need it.

CAQuincy said...

Woo hoo! Posted a congrats on the blog, also.

Welcome back to the working world, ya slacka.

KJS said...

Congratulations! Very glad to hear it!