Thursday, October 23, 2008

Little did I know what a freak I was

When I was helping out at the charity event a few weeks ago, one of Jen's cousins had to cut down a gift certificate to fit inside a frame. I told her to be sure not to chew her tounge. She looked at me with a "WTF" look. I said you know the thing where when using sissors that you chew your tounge or open and close your mouth. She said she had never heard of it. When relaying the story to Jen I get the same "WTH" look. I thought it was a common thing that everyone did or had at least heard about... obviosly not. Now I notice that when I am feeding Christopher that I will open my mouth, like that will help him open his. I think I will do a little research to see how much of a freak that I am or if I have some kind of mental condition. (no comments from the peanut gallary)

** Image is of the characters from Freakie's Cereal, if you go that far back. I still have a collection of these plastic pieces that might be heading to e-bay

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