Monday, October 27, 2008

Happy Breakfast

This is the way my mornings usually start off. Usually I am up by 7:00am due to Andrew and William, and grab my shower. For some reason they both have been sleeping in the past 3 days (Thank the Lord) so I had to actually set my alarm. Don't get me wrong, they still come into the bedroom in the middle of the night. It used to be just William at 3:00 or 4:00 am, but now Andrew has joined in and will come into the bedroom too for unknown reasons. Most times it just carry them back to bed, plop them in, cover them up, and walk away. So even though I still can't get a solid 8 hours of sleep it felt good to sleep in a little bit this weekend. I bring William and Andrew downstairs and give them their juice and cereal and they will sit in front of TV and watch the PBS lineup in the morning. Then the next half hour we tell William to get dressed for school about every five minutes. Finally we have to turn the TV off for the proper motivation. William gets dropped off at 8:00am to Our Lady of Good Hope and then I come home for a little breakfast. If Christopher isn't awake when I get home I usually will wake him up around 9:00 and bring him downstairs. He usually munches on Cherios while I go through my lineup of online job sites. He gives me input on the ones that I should apply for and usually just sits there and is happy as a clam.

I can't believe that it has actualy been about a month and a half of being unemployed. It doesn't seem that long. I serously didn't think it would take this long to get another job. I don't know if it is arrogance to say that or just that I didn't have a clue how bad it was out there. I should hear about the job in Auburn by Wednesday at the latest, here's hoping.

There should be a video of Christopher helping me find a job here, but Blogger is having video problems. I draw the line at 5 times trying to download a video before I give up. I might try later on again.....

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