Tuesday, October 14, 2008


When we took the boys to see Wall-E we saw a preview for Beverley Hills Chihuahua. It looked like a bad/cute movie. Well the boys went nuts when they saw the preview, then they started seeing the ads on TV for the movie. I can see they they were excited about the chee chee wha wah movie (as they pronounce it). Well last week my mom treated the family to the movie. We got the extra bonus of seeing it at the Cinema Grill which means dinner and a show. Mom had never been to the Cinema Grill before so this would be her first experience. I wasn't too worried about a crowd being there since it was a Wednesday afternoon at 4:00. I think it was us and one other family. We got settled in and ordered our food. The boys got chicken strips and fries but were so mesmerised by the movie that they barely ate anything. My mom and I both got a small pizza and pitcher of beer, but we were both still hungry after eating this pretty tasty but non filling pizza. I think we should have got a sandwich like Jen. Anyway the movie was a typical cute/dumb/entertaining for children kind of movie. I don't recommend it without kids, unlike some other Disney movies that can be entertaining for adults too, this is not. (I think the beer helped) There is some humor aimed at older people, but not too much. I think mom enjoyed the experience of the Cinema Grill and will probably go again some time, just not for a meal. Next on the agenda of movies is Madagascar 2 which begins in a couple of weeks.


CAQuincy said...

!Ai de me! This movie is NOT on our must-see list. Not even on our wait-until-video list. Not even if my mother were to pay our way in at a dinner theater. Bleh! as far as the Qs are concerned, this movie DOES NOT EXIST. And it NEVER WILL. So don't EVEN try to play the DVD the next time we come and visit your house or there will be BLOOD.

Um...sorry. Got a little carried away there....

I'm glad you enjoyed your night out with your family and your mom.

davesbeachbar said...

Again the important part of my blog.. THE BEER HELPED.So if you come to visit we can watch it by getting in the mood with tequila shooters

MR said...

"getting in the mood"?

You make it sound like you guys are swing... ooooooh myyyyyy.

CAQuincy said...

There goes MR trying to cause trouble again. Ho hum. *YAWN*

Yes, tequila shooters necessary to kill ALL nerve endings.