Monday, September 15, 2008

Check Check Check

A very good weekend to put a couple of check marks on the honey-do list. I made it through Friday and still had a job at the end of the day.. whew. I went to bed kinda late. Around 3:00am William comes walking in the room so I had to trudge him back to bed. Then at 5:00am he came back with his blanket, but I noticed some thunder, Lightning, and rain outside so I figured that he was just scared so I just let him get in bed with me (Jen crashed on the couch downstairs again). Minutes later Jen comes up to bed which puts William nuzzled up next to me. I was already a little warm, but William's body heat doesn't help. At this point there is a loud clap of thunder and Andrew starts crying. So I go into his room for two reasons. One, to calm him down, and two, to give me a place to sleep. After calming Andrew down and trying to settle in I hear an ear piercing noise. What the heck is that? That sounds like the alarm for the battery backup for the sump pump. We have power in the house which only means one thing. The back-up sump is running which means the primary pump is either not working or being overwhelmed by water. It is raining extremely hard, which is how the basement flooded the last time. So I run down to the basement to see both of the pumps running full speed, but they are keeping up with the water coming in the sump and keeping it from over flowing. whewwww. I was going to try and use a bucket to help drain some of the water, but with the install of the back-up sump, I can't get a bucket in there. Oh well at least it's keeping up. I then hear Andrew screaming upstairs. I get him back into bed. I am standing in the basement watching the pumps run. Of course I think "If the sump starts to flood there isn't anything I can really do about it", and with two pumps running it shouldn't. Anyway so I am standing there and finally the pumps start to get ahead of the water to the point where the back-up stops running and the primary can handle it. I am so glad I got that installed. So I trudge upstairs wide awake. I was close to blogging about the experience while I was awake, but I was just too tired. I thought about going back to bed, but William is there and it was real comfy in the chair downstairs, so I stayed there and grabbed a little nap until Andrew woke up.

Saturday: I headed out to get a haircut in the morning (got to look good for interviews). After I got my hair cut I decided to run down to redi-med. A couple of months ago I stepped on a little rock with ball of my foot and it has hurt on and off since then. I figure I better get it looked at while I still had insurance. I walk in the door to a packed waiting room and a line to the counter. Yeah, I am not that bad, I will come back later. I head over to the in-laws to look at there closets. Jen wants shelves in the front room and she likes the way the in-laws looks. So I get an idea of the design and head over to Menards to look at parts and prices. I get home to lunch and stuff. Then I clear out the front room of all the toys. Another job for the front room is to put a second coat of paint on the walls. I was able to get this room painted before Easter, but wasn't able to get the second coat done before we had everyone over. Actually I thought the one coat would do the trick, but it looks better with the second coat. I spent the next 3 hours working on the room and trying to keep the boys out. I finally let them into the room with me with the restriction of staying in the CENTER of the room and away from the walls. They did pretty good, but started drifting toward the walls after a while. I was able to finish the room pretty fast. So dinner and the usual stuff at night. After puting the kids to bed I headed back to redi-med to a nearly empty waiting room. While the nurse was writing down my information I was describing the pain in my foot and showed her where it hurt. She says "oh right there on that wart?" Huh, what, a wart? I didn't have wart there before. So finally the doctor comes in the room and says "Hi I am Shannon" What, no I am Dr. so and so? That's usually what they say. I find out later that her last name was Quinn. I guess she had enough of the Dr. Quinn medicine woman jokes for the day. She looks at my foot and says, yep it's a wart. I find out that it is a virus and is contagious whereupon I remember that we just got done getting rid of a wart on William's foot so I probably got it from him (or gave it to him). As she is using the liquid nitrogen I am thinking that I could have been pain free months ago, oh well. After redi-med I stop by Ritters for some ice cream and one last hurrah since they are closing for good at the end of the month. Our usual splurge is Zesto's since Ritters is a little too far to keep the ice cream from melting. After I got home we pulled out the laptop and got caught up on "Bonz" which took us after midnight.

Sunday: Got up early of course and headed to church. After church we went over to the in-laws for lunch. They just got back from a road trip to South Dakota to see Mount Rushmore and some other stuff out there. It sounds like they did quite a bit of stuff when they were out there. Jen tells a story of a road trip when she was younger when the family stopped by Mount Rushmore, but the mountain was fogged in so they never "saw" the mountain. So after eating and contemplating a nap on the couch I got up and headed out. I went over to Menards to grab supplies for the shelving project. I decided to make the shelves adjustable so I found the lumber with the little holes for the pegs. I actually found the sides for the shelves in a bargain bin. They had some bad spots, but I was going to cut them anyway. I actually have someone helping me, which is a bit of a shock. I ask how much they are and he doesn't know but takes me up to the guy who does. So he does some stuff with the computer and gives me a piece of paper that says they are $15 a piece. They are usually $19. I tick the guy off a little and ask if he can do a little better than that, but he won't. The last thing I need is the pegs to put in the holes that will hold the shelves. The guy who was helping me earlier asked to help again. I tell him I need the pegs for the shelves. He says, "oh the way you connect the panel to the wall?" I said no I need the pegs that hold the shelves. He says, "oh you mean kind of like an L-bracket". I said no it's nothing like that. After a couple more exchanges like this I take him over to my cart and show him the sides with the holes in it, and say "see these holes? I need the pegs that go in here and hold the shelves!!!" He says "oh, the pegs". Yes Einstein the pegs. So he takes me over to the wire shelves. no no no you idiot these are not wire shelves they are wood!!!! So finally he asks a co worker who takes me right over to the exact area I was heading and shows me a full display of PEGS!!! So I load up my lumber in a downpour (Remnants of Hurricane Ike)and head for home. I stop by mom's house to grab my brother's circular saw (by the way Dan, can I borrow your circular saw??) So I tear all of the crap out of the closet and start making a plan of attack. I will save you boring details (yeah I know it's probably too late) but the install went pretty good for being a custom install job (everything pretty level). I set up an area in the garage for cutting wood that works out pretty good. Usually this kind of thing I would ask my father in law for help, but wanted to see if I could do it myself, and it worked out pretty well if I do say so myself. I finish after about 3 hours of measuring, cutting, walking back and forth to the garage, I head back to the in-laws to pick up the family. Of course I see the gas station at the corner has a deal on their mulch. When I loose my job I will have time to work on more projects, but no money to do it. Ironic isn't it. So bring the family home and up to bed. Jen and I just collapse in the family room. I tried to watch the football game, but didn't make it that long.

Another busy weekend, but at least I got a few projects done.

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