Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Major moves.... stalls...

Every day I drive I-469 to work. I could take I-69 to work, but with the constuction on the road widening and the amount of traffic at that time of the morning I chose to go the other way. It just takes one idiot to have and accident on 69 (which happens alot) to back everything up for hours. Both ways are just about the same distance. At the begining of the spring they started to do construction on 469. Basicly they would block one lane of the hightway for about 4 miles (for two weeks at a time) to tear up sections of the concrete road to pour new concrete. There were some sections that I could see the problem with cracks, but there were quite a few that I just didn't see it. Yeah I am going over the road at 65 miles an hour so you can't see every crack. So all spring and summer I was dealing with this lane closed, that lane closed, this section, now that section. Luckily 469 is not that busy, so there are few delays, but you do have to slow down to 45 in construction zones. They would block off a lane for two weeks (and do nothing) and then work on it for two weeks, and then give it two weeks to dry the concrete.Well finally they finished all of the 20 miles that I drive every day, so I was getting ready to go back to my steady 65 miles an hour drive to work. But no, they are now going back over the same sections of roads that they just did and do it all over again. I have watched as they jackhammered up new concrete to repour it. Either they didn't do a good job the first time, or they just don't have anywhere else to go, but more money to spend.

I think they just need a place to store all of the orange barrels for a while longer.

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