Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I get to join the crowd

Great. I get to join Carrie Q. and MDH in looking for a job. My boss just came by and gave me a heads up that I might want to start looking around. Nothing to do with me, just something with the company that will require a budget cut for not only me but a couple other people.

So, keep me in the loop if you hear of anything.....


Marcus said...

Graphic arts? I have read so many bloody posts that I could almost see the place in my mind.

Cover Letter

start looking, applying, leave no stone unturned.

Give me a direction and I will see. Brother in Law is in South Bend, IVY Tech, but might know something posted, through connections at FW branch. I don't mean necessarily working at the school, but rather the networking and the jobs that might be posted there for soon-to-be graduates.

CAQuincy said...

D'oh! Sorry to hear you've joined the "losa" posse.


Well, I applied for a position at ADT today--saw that they were hiring in Indy....! (Um...too bad you didn't live closer to Indy.)

MR said...


You call him DOCTA JONES, DOLL!

davesbeachbar said...

you know.. if you lived in indy you could get that job and be closer to us.... just sayin

CAQuincy said...

On the other hand, if YOU were to move HERE....;_ylt=ArN6oPwfXYKv4EEdmrI0mI_6Q6IX?search_url=%2Fjob-search-l-Rochester-NY-d-FT-d-PT-j-PERM-j-CONT

MR said...

Conduct yourself in a Professional Manner?! NEXT!