Monday, September 29, 2008

I am a cheap Date

We have pretty much cut every possible non-needed expense during my unemployment. I have even given up (sniff) ... beer. (I am accepting beer donations at this time). So we aren't doing much of anyting these days. We are going to make a trip to the Zoo later this week since we had purchased a membership earlier this year so it would be essentally free. The other thing that we thought of is going to the dollar theatre at Georgetown. I think we can absorb the $1.75 per person for at least one night. We were hoping to see Indiana Jones or something else, but we found out that the third installment of the Mummy was playing. We love the mummy movies just for the adventure aspect of it and not necessarlily for the story, since they are usually pretty thin. So we call my mom over to watch the kids for a while so we can catch the movie. As we are leaving I decide to take my mom's convertable and pop the top down. I miss having a convertable and forgot how much fun they were. So we get to the theater a little late, but we figure they will have a few previews before the show and I don't believe that theater would be that crowded for a movie that had been out for over a month. I give the girl working the box office my $4 for the $3.50 admission and she gives me back a 50 cent piece. ahh the 50 cent piece, just about as usless as a penny since they aren't part of the usual change that you carry. I wonder what poor store I can stick this coin with in the future, since most places don't even have a slot in their registers for this coin. Maybe I will just throw it in the collection plate on Sunday. We go into a darkened theater and wait for our eyes to adjust and for a bright scene on the screen to see where a seat is open. We settle down in our seat just as the movie starts. Whew, good timing. Needless to say it has been years since I have been in an old theater like this that didn't have stadium seating, but the floors were just as sticky. It was wierd sitting in an old theater with everying being at a same level. The padding in all of the seats were long gone and I had a spring poking my butt the whole time, but hey you can't beat the price. The movie itself was pretty good. No it wasn't academy award winning, but it stayed pretty true to the "mummy' genre and was good-stupid and entertaining. After the movie we put the top down again for a chilly ride home with it being in the mid to lower 60's. One the way home we stopped by Burger King to grab something to eat. We had a gift card that covered most of the meal, but still a little over $9 for a fish sandwich, double wopper and two small fries is a little bit pricey. I decide this is a good time to unburdon myself of the 50 cent piece so I give it to the kid working the drive thru. He looks and the coin and just stares at it. Then he turns it over I think trying to look for a denomination on the coin. Finally I say, "it's a 50 cent piece". "oh, ok" I didn't think it was that unique of a coin. I told Jen the next time I was going to bring along some Susan B Anthony's, a saqagauia, or an old dollar coin and really mess them up. (I still have a $2 in my wallet for emergencies)We get home and eat our burger king and the boys help us eat our fries. Overall a pretty affordable night. We will have to do that again is they get some good movies in the theater...

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